Hide a Disk/Partition easily without using any software
In sometime we need to hide some disk or partition and we do not have some type of software like Easeus partion manager and we need a simple and easy way to do it so that i have provided. that’s easy and of only some common steps.
Steps to hide a partition
Open the Command Prompt (not as Admin)
and follow these commands
  • diskpart —> press enter
  • list volume —> press enter
  • select volume # —-> press enter (replace # with the drive letter you want to hide)
  • remove letter # —-> press enter (replace # with the drive letter you want to hide)
Now The partition is hidden
Steps to come assign the disk (Unhide the disk)
Open the Command Prompt (not as Admin)
and follow these commands
  • diskpart —> press enter
  • list volume —> press enter
  • select volume # —-> press enter (replace # with the drive letter you want to hide)
  • assign letter # —-> press enter (replace # with the drive letter you want to hide)
Please give your feedback and enjoy !!!